Birthdays and Christmas came and went quickly and in a fairly smooth manner. The girlz hosted a lovely Christmas Eve gathering with a mix of our kids, a former husband, grandchildren, parents enjoying each other and tasty treats!
Don surprised Sue and I with the gift of Victor! Victor, sculpted from marble, is keeping everything in order in the winter garden. We will be preparing a proper place for him this spring! There was a slight snag on Christmas Day when one of the parental units went flying down the cellar stairs. It was one of those things that made your stomach flip flop and sink! Three hours later, we were all sitting with the family, including the patient (bruised and stitched above the eye) a bit subdued, but enjoying good food and gifts.
I did receive a video camera for my birthday, and we are dreaming about Artgirlz mini movies...I haven't had the time to look at the instruction booklet yet, so it might be a while before our first masterpiece is released...

Above, are images of our second group of rubber stamps. They are being produced right now, and should be here next week. We have samples in the house so I hope to stamp a bit this weekend!
Al and I are trying to stay somewhat calm with the huge piles of work that are sitting in front and around us. CHA is just around the corner followed by some work and play in England right after our return from California...Looking forward to seeing London and Mr. and Mrs. PaperArtsy and children!
Better go to work!!!