I am so behind on my blogging...we have been so busy and had an Artgirlz At Home class, a Memorial Day party to watch the Charlestown parade that goes right by the girlz house, sent out product, worked on the website, on and on, and then there is the garden...The Charlestown Garden Tour is June 17th, with tickets available at the Cross Mills Library...so, we are going from one project to the other. We would be doing that anyway, but there is a focus...Here is Sue dividing the lotus for the pond. Projects are moving along, but there is still lots of compost and mulch to hump!
Al and I taught a class in the studio to work out some kinks in a class that we are offering at Quilt Festival in Houston in November. We decided to make shrines, and actually managed to pull off a Fun Friday a couple of weeks ago....worked on structure and materials. Our "students", who have said that they will help us work out kinks anytime, were great, teac

We are very excited about our new charms! I think that they will do very well, and we have a few more up our sleeve...am working on getting them out into the world...pdf's for reps, and putting our first newsletter together to send to the lucky people in our address book. Waiting for the new website to be done before we send that out!

We are getting samples together for classes that we will be doing in Connecticut and Boston and will put info and links in tomorrow. I guess I'll go and have some breakfast and get ready for another day at Artgirlz World Headquarters. My goal is to get back here tomorrow morning and add links to some other spots!