It is a couple of dayz until the garden tour, and the weather is supposed to be wonderful! We have done all that we can do to prepare and will just keep working on it. Hoping that our climbing rose will come out. It didn't bloom last year...it's first year, but promises to be quite beautiful any day now. The girlz are still spreading mulch, touching up painted surfaces and creating new spaces...Looking forward to meeting the others at the Sat night pot luck! Al and Sue checking the bees...

Well, we made it thru Ranger U and had a great time meeting new people and seeing our old favorites! Knowing close to nothing about stamping, we had everything to learn. We worked madly, keeping up with sample production, snacks, meals, tips and general chatter. We had an official graduation and we are now feeling very in the know! Here we are with Tim Holtz and Robin Beam. We all had a project to produce and present to prove that we were most excellent presenters of Ranger information !

Off to the licensing show in NYC onMonday to check it out, take a couple of classes. Will be back in the studio on Thursday...
The new studio space in the basement is coming along...put in a snap together floor in 24 hours with the superior help of Son #1 Don...in from SF for a family reunion...will post the time elapsed photos of that project next week or so...