It was a beautiful weekend here in New England and well deserved after the awful heat wave! Another Artgirlz meeting that started off at the beach early Saturday morning, but we decided to head for the screened in porch due to the pesky flies...definining who we are and where we want to go. Here is a quick view of the girlz garden just before the meeting started.

We went thru 9 pages of words and phrases that have been floating around for two years...as usual, we managed to weed out a few items that didn't quite fit and clarify the vision. Is the concept of "Artgirlz Nation" too lofty? No we said...creating a safe, open, diversified, inclusive, mindful group of individuals is what it's all about...so after I write about our Sunday adventure, I will be back at the task of spreading Artgirlz Propaganda...Be Bold, Be Brave, Trust Your Your Own Vison!

Sunday we left the compound and headed for Jamestown (RI) to visit the "house on the rocks"...Al and I lived in Jamestown in our youth, before the bridge. The house, formally known as Clingstone, is behind us on the left. The strip of land behind the house, across the bay is Newport, and right behind the house, in Newport, the Newport Folk Festival was in full swing. We hooked up with Ed (T's former spouse) and Maggie and took a launch out to the 100 year old house to visit Ed's sister Janet. Jan has the house for a month and generously offered it as a landing spot for friends and family.

It had always been a mysterious place for those of us that only saw it sitting there day after day on a very very big rock just off shore, wondering who lived there and what kind of magical life they must have had. It was an amazing huge summer house with lots of bedrooms and bathrooms, an incredible kitchen, huge dining room with massive windows on two sides, a ping pong table room, a deck all the way around, and a roof top deck. Needless to say, the view from the roof top was beautiful! We all wandered around, switching views, talking, studying old photos of the house and bay, had snacks, took pictures (Al hanging onto one of the balconies), waved to the boats going in and out of the harbor...there were sooo many boats ...It was quite a remarkable, dynamic place! And we get to go back next weekend for Ed's 60th Birthday Party!!
Actually worked in the garden this weekend pulling weeds. It would probably take a week to get it under control, but it is a start! The pond seems to have a happy eco system of it's own going. The baby fish and tadpoles are getting big, the lilies are blooming, the water hyacynths are multiplying! Gotta go...the boss is waiting for me...