Well, at this time next week we will be in Houston. We are still pulling things together, making piles, lists, outfits, hairdo's, models, pins, etc...Above is a pile of houses and samples for our all day class. We have been working on a couple of pairs of embellished jeans...going over directions and details of class directions...It will be a relief to get there and dive into the non-stop list of activities! Just doing the the next thing and the next thing after that...

We have been working on models made from our products and came up with this little tree topper made out of one of our wool felt cones. We turned it into a festive holiday creature. Her body is embellished with felt shapes, arms built with small felt beads, head wrapped with yarn, star charms hanging from wire, paper wings are decorated with paint, hand made paper and glitter...
Better get back to my product development job...
Still a few dayz left to whip up goodies!!