We have been home from Houston Quilt Festival, since Monday night recovering. It was exhausting and exciting. We met so many new people. Saw some old buddies...sold a pile of Artgirlz goodies and continued to spread the word. At the top of this page is Annaliza Benner all decked out in her new Artgirlz hat and I am guessing in her new butterfly shirt! We had great classes and students. Make and Takes organized by Cloth Paper Scissors, were a busy and successful spot right behind our booth.

We were very busy and could not have done it without JoAnn, Janet and Sue. My sis was her usual competent retail self (a job that makes me so nervous) and I did my first demo gig. Famous visitors showed up every now and then.
Lesley Riley, Christine Adams and
Traci Bautisita (check out her new book) were all on the scene at the same time. We were showing how to use our new rubber stamps, doll backs and charms to make these lovely little creatures. Our instructors and comrads from Ranger U would have been proud!

The International Quilt Festival was a very huge, well organized, inspiring event. It was constant over stimulation of the senses...color and texture...hairdo's and outfits...creativity and excitment was was bouncing off of the walls! The quilts were beyond words. We were planning next year before the show was over. My sis had a lovely interaction with the charming young woman pictured below. She was shopping with her mother and aggreed to have her picture taken. Al and I were both ready to head to Japan for some fashion lessons after last years show! This year was not dissapointing! We, like many people, spent months preparing for the show...we learned alot, were very inspiried, exhausted and ready to head back next year. Thanks to all of those who supported our efforts! When the party is over, it is always a relief to get the boxes packed up!
On another very interesting note, I received the following photo's that confirm the fact that the first gathering of the very secrect, underground "Scary Baby Gathering" took place recently at an undisclosed location. It has come to my attention that there will be a Second Annual Scary Baby Gathering next year...details to be shared thru secret codes. There is a strong feeling that the gathering will grow now that the word is out. The excitement is growing!!