Well, we are alive and well and it is 9 degrees and sunny in Rhode Island this morning. I am beginning to feel like I am catching up a little bit after being away for so many weeks. I am still behind on my emails, but one can only do so many things in one day!!

We had a great trip to England! At the beginning of the trip, Al and I did the International Craft Hobby and Stitch show in Birmingham. We shared a house with the PA's in Kennilworth. It was a perfect village complete with large castle ruins, hedge rows, little gardens and a great pub. Daffies and crocuses were up everywhere and it was sooo green! We had the smallest booth on the planet, but it worked out just fine. We met lots of great people and were lucky to spend time with show buddies. Good food, lots of laughs and stories!

Mark and Leandra wanted to prepare the children for the suprise arrival of Tim and Alain, so as a family, we watched Tim's CD Bloopers which brought all of us many laughs...so beans on toast took on a whole new glow as the kiddies chowed, joined by Mr. Holtz.

Late start to Oxford on a busy Friday...trying to get everybodies stuff together...We made it to the hotel where 90 women were set for a week end of classes with paints, glues, charms,

We were very lucky to have had a private tour of around Oxford on Saturday afternoon with Janie. We saw real live Harry Potter's, a beautiful college campus, botanical gardens, churches and tea with scones, cream and strawberry jam at Janies club.
Back at the hotel, women were madly making books, altering tins, shopping for inks and stamps and preparing for dinner...where we found our seats by our names "Artgirl 1", "Artgirl 2", "Artgirl 3", "Artgirl 4"...I was, according to my food choices, #4...
For our class, we adapted an idea that was brought to us by Erikia Ghumm at CHA...she had created a beautiful necklace made with a spool and our wing charms. It had a lovely picture of her grandmother, buttons, and made us drool. The week before we left for England, we were still trying to figure out what to do for our class, having gone thru many project options...so we went to the vision of Erikia's necklace and made one up. Here is our first group of happy students!

Mark, Midge and Al headed back to the farm to collect the children while Sue and I helped Leandra count and get paid for sold stamps, had dinner at McDonalds in Oxford...does that make any sense?? We were very tired and still had to drive back to Essex...

It was hard leaving the beautiful green farm and our buddies. I miss them as I plow thru our piles of projects, knowing that they are digging thru their own piles with an additional 4 children!! All of us trying to figure out the smart things to do! We are very greatful for everything that they did for us while we were there, and look forward to more adventures together.
I think that I can say that we were all exhausted as we made our way home, and it took a few days to feel have way normal. We are still catching up. I am hoping to get thru the rest of the emails this week. Below are lovely images of #4 flying home from England last year and the day before flying home this year!!!