Thursday, February 28, 2008

We had a lovely break in our day today with a visit from Cate Coulacos Prato, Features Editor
at Cloth Paper Scissors. I actually changed out of my usual sweat pants and into a pair of jeans for the occasion. The rest stayed the same. Cate led us through a list of questions about our fascinating life and growing business and is planning on turning it into an article for the magazine. Needless to say we are honored and very grateful. We had a lot of laughs and I feel quite sure that we could have spent a couple of dayz sharing information and stories.

If you're not aware of the magazine, you should check it out. Cloth Paper Scissors and Quilting Arts are both inspiring and exciting collections of work...Highly recommended for anyone interested in texture, color, fiber, and new techniques...

Check out the Editor's Blog.
Patricia Bolton, Editor in Chief, posts lots of information about their adventures, their new tv program, and opportunities for creative types to share their work!

Stay cool. Off for some chow!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Midge and I went to NewB Camp this weekend at Johnson & Wales University. The event offered platforms for geeks to share new media information with non or medium geeks!
It was very over whelming and exciting for both of us! I learned about options that are out there in cyberland for meeting and greeting other folks and most importantly for us, spreading the Artgirlz Word!! These are some of the networks waiting to be explored:

Google Documents
Second Life
blip tv

Well, now I am going to stop working and take a break until tomorrow...just wanted to share some info and organize it up a bit!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Greetings from Snowy Rhode Island! Here we are working in the yard on our fist day (Monday) back from our various trips to the West Coast! With piles of boxes, suitcases, emails, orders all over the place, raking leaves and cleaning up piles in the yard was about the only thing we could manage! Now it is looking like a winter wonderland!

Sue and I headed for Tucson at the beginning of the month to do a show at the Manning House.
We squirmed around our lovely hotel room at the Best Western as we suffered through a stressful football game watching the Giants grab the Superbowl win. The skies were very wet over Tucson on Monday, set up day. After a few problems with rain under and over our product in a tent, we moved all of our stuff the morning that the show opened into dry territory. It was our first trip to this bead and gem extravaganza, so with nothing to compare it too, it seemed rather slow. We did however meet some new best friends and found some great new wholesale customers!

We loved it when Joelee Furrier (Bella Quilts, Tucson) and Kathy Smith were jumping with excitement as they ordered goodies for the store!! What a joy to meet these other two light beams Juliana Marquis and Thad tripping through Tucson spreading smiles! They were ready to help prepare an Artgirlz On the Road Vehicle with painting and welding skills... we were also offered an invite for fun in Wenatchee, WA!!!

And Super Mom Renee Palting supplied her daughter Edyth with our Big Beads, felting needles and roving and within a day or two they were back with friend Kylie Faber and Edyth's Amazing Needle Felted Necklace! Nice work I say!

Speaking of Inspiring, I met Jean Baruch, RN, BSN and President of Beads of Courage, Inc.
Check out the website and the programs that have been set up for children with cancer. It is a very cool program for kids going through treatment, their sibs, families and kids in the community. I am happy to say that we are designing and producing a "Courage" charm for them. They need donations of beads and findings, so if you have any contacts in that area, let them know!

It was off to LA and CHA very early on the Monday after the Tucson show closed. Midge picked us up with coffee and breakfast for our trip from LAX to the Anaheim Convention Center! We missed a day of the show, and it took us a while to land. Had fun meeting new people, seeing old buddies and spreading the word about Artgirlz!

Here is Linda Jones from 2 Scrappy Sisters, Kansas City, KS....I had just gifted her with this needle felted bag! We were both very happy with the exchange and I hope she is enjoying it!! As you can see, my scrappy sis is giving me the two fingers behind your head sign!!

and then there was Alexandra Underhill and her book "Alternation: Transform. Embellish. Customize." We didn't get to meet her co-author Shannon Okey, but Alexandra joined about 15 or so women for a fairly spontaneous, high energy dinner after the show. Women just kept showing up...we would just squeeze down, add tables...It was an amazing group with lots of talent, vision, energy and brains!! What's better than that!

...and then there is Candy Cooper, Margot Potter and Tracy Bautista...Tracy has a new line of goodies with Duncan...can't find it on their website...and Kathy Cano Murillo the Crafty Chica, also now with Duncan, has an amazing line of glitter, shrines, saints, among other very cool things that aren't in my brain anymore (sorry Kath)!! Nice work girlzzzz! Keep up the good work!

I've got to go and do something else...I've been at this task for a long time....below is a project we did for the Ranger Booth in Anaheim...we were assigned the yellow colors and the canvas and could go for it! Used our new Inchies!!
It's still snowing!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Well, Sue and I have our suit cases packed and have done just about everything we can do before our departure to Tucson...we don't have any Patriots gear, but other than that we are ready to go...The felt is officially on its way!
We are all excited to uncover the adventures that are ahead of us...we have opportunities flying all over the place and look forward to seeing old buddies and meeting new best friends on our trips to Tucson and Anaheim!!

How about this Bizzy Bee!

Cheers from the Troops here at Artgirlz Nation! Will be back soon!