This wonderful little book "Wild Women: Stitched Art Brooches" by Sarah Lawrence, is filled with inspiration and direction! The bonus for us was the inclusion of lots of Artgirlz charms! Sarah is a very accomplished textile artist from England. The gallery section of her website has amazing bead work and juicy felted, embellished pieces! Amazon is selling the book offering a few peeks inside! Check it out!!
Midge and Al are off to Florida this morning with grandson Gabe...they will be visiting Midge's brother's family, Michael, Betty and Jared....all prepared for a 10 day surfin' safari!!! Sue and I are staying here after attempting to make plans for a visit to Nova Scotia to see our doll making buddies, Kathryn Belzer, Margie Hennen and Pam Hastings...Without going into the insanity that Sue and I go through trying to plan a get away, we finally with great regret decided to stay put and hold down the fort....started saving for a trip to France with them next summer!!

Speaking of saving money...Sue and Midge (with her AARP mag and Barack Obama book) made their second trip to the local flea market with a truck load of our "Stuff"...Sue said that Midge sets the prices and walks around in circles with her tape and pen and slashes prices as the morning goes by. The whole thing ends for them around noon ...giving the rest away. So the cash is going into the France fund!

Al and I worked on a project for the next Cloth Paper Scissors Issue of "Studios". Well, we hope that they like it and use it...we like it and were just taking a rest in this lovely moment...
So I want to get back to my task of writing directions for a project and finishing the artwork for the packaging so I can play vacation for a few hours!! We are also preparing "projects of the month" that will be announced in our newsletter and linked up to direction downloads and products! We have been trying to get that together for years!! Thanks Rosie and Linda!