It is sunny and sort of chilly here in Rhode Island this morning and I have so much to do it is ridiculous. The last ten days were filled with travel, teaching, contracts and taping our big 3 minutes for tv...

We got home late Saturday after driving thru very scary thunder, lightening and rain. We had two days to prepare for a trip to Cleveland where we were going to do a short shoot for the new television program being put together by Quilting Arts. A few others have posted notices about their trips to the set and are linked thru Pokey's blog!

Prior to going we were trying to pick out the suggested wardrobe...no black, no white, no dots, stripes, big prints...have long sleeves, a collar to hide the microphone...and finger nails...not to mention the project that was worthy of the amazing work that is consistently highlighted. Karen the make up artist started on my little head by plucking many stray hairs that make up my eyebrows. When she finished, I had more stuff on my face than I've had since high school musicals...We actually had a great time meeting up with other artists preparing for their segments, being nervous and glamorous...and doing our bit. Everyone was so supportive and encouraging...from makeup to the camera boys...Pokey was a pro by the time we arrived. You can check your local listing at pbs.org...It should be up after Christmas...
We've been trying to figure out a way to do a show that allows a few swear words every now and then....
Back to work!!!!
You have to have fingernails? I'm totally out then.
The purple hair is too fun!
Art Girlz! You always make me smile. You're so f*cking fabulous! YAY!
I can't swear on TV either...but I make up for it in my blog. Hee hee.
I just made a necklace for Simply Beads with the tiny little felt balls. I love them. I think they should be called Felt Ballz. Robin Beam traded me some at my book signing in Jersey, she makes the best stuff with your felt ballz.
I wear press on nails for TV and public appearances, because my actual nails are horrific. Yay for press on nailz!
Rock on, crafty sistas!
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