So much has been happening, that I can hardly keep up with it! Let's see, wanted to mention that we had a surprise party for Midge's 60th birthday a couple of weeks ago...Beth, her daughter, flew in from LA and 4 long time friends drove up from NY, and we managed to find a Wii to top it all off...friends and family and meatballs!!
Then it was off to St. Augustine for Sue and Me for an Emergency Vacation...see below...
Then Allison and I went to Chicago for the International Quilt Festival. Our two hour plane ride turned into 7 hours...the good news being that we arrived and didn't have to catch another plane from O'hare...the next day, American started it's cancellation thing!
We had the greatest class! Everyone brought a piece of clothing to embellish and everyone did an amazing job!! Al and I both felt very gratified and energized from the experience! This is Gigi the Amazing..."I don't sew" she said. Well, she brought a denim jacket on which she had painted colorful rectangles...We were lucky enough to have Bernina machines with the Bernina Stitch Regulators and it took her about 3 minutes to get the hang of it and at a very high speed, 7 bobbins and 4 needles later, she had transformed her jacket and a pair of overalls!!
It was a joy watching Jeanne move from the world of straight lines to making up her own thing and loving it!
Everyone in the class was successful! It was fun to see them on the show floor with their goodies. Thanks so much!
Also a huge thanks to Barb the Bernina "Ambassador". She spent the day, helping people change bobbins, needles, explaining the BSR (Bernina Stitch Regulator) and generally making the whole day go smoothly!
Things went well on the show floor...seemed a bit slower than last year, but considering the state of the world, it wasn't a surprise! We still loved seeing friendly faces from the last couple of years, new fans and our buddies selling their goods!
I was having a lovely discussion with one of those women when my sis called down the aisle and gave me a big wave..."They need you at Make it University!"
Little did I know that I had been recruited to the ever popular "Runway Challenge" organized and pulled off by the clever Pokey Bolton...editor of Cloth, Paper, Scissors and Quilting Arts!
My initial response was to pummel my sister after the show, but it turned out to be a fun filled hour of slapping paper, doilies, paint, record covers, matte medium, fake flowers, records, together, parading around for prizes and fame!
The President on the Last Morning of the Show!
You girlz are just unbelievable. I feel so lucky to have you in my life.
Thanks from my humble heart for making me feel so special. The party day was one of my all time best 10 days of my lifetime. Surrounded by family and friends and feeling all the love. I will never forget the blend of voices and faces singing happy birthday to meeeeeee!!!!!!!
Peace and Love Always.
Your VP of Whatever is happening at the moment. Midge
Happy Birthday to Midge!
I gave y'all a blog award today.
Hope all is well! I was just in was delightful.
Miss Margot
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