Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Looking Into

I took this picture in St John in 2004.
Doesn't it look yummy!

I am excited about my move to a tropical zone.

It seems appropriate that I investigate the color turquoise.

Although turquoise is a cool color,

it reminds me of warm tropical water,

a color that easily hypnotizes and relaxes me,

and one that I can easily swim in.

Turquoise is a calming feminine color. It is also a very spiritual color, used by many ancient religions. Perhaps this comes from the use of the stone turquoise.
The color turquoise identifies with
love, healing, generosity,
emotion, feeling , the unconscious ,
intuition, individual responsibility, creativity ,
communication, self reliance ,
and independence.

Turquoise is a mix of blue and green.

Turquoise is a hip color for decorators this spring.

I think it is a lot like the color yellow. It can easily go with any other color.
It's compliment is orange.
It also looks fabulous with red.
This combo is very reminds me of Mexican folk art.


Anonymous said...

Shoot wish I was there!!

Sallianne McClelland said...

Is that a squint of a self portrait in that first shot? We are getting ready (Ellen, Lois & Sal) to create with you all.

The Indigo Butterfly said...

Turquoise is my favorite color! That assortment is like heaven!

Denise said...

I love how turquoise evokes feelings of warmth and relaxation.